Sabtu, 02 Juni 2012

Processing and Utilization of Energy Environment Friendly

Analyzing the condition of Indonesia, which is currently in a lot of fuel shortages because of the price has risen up, environmentally friendly energy is urgently in need. Processing cow manure into environmentally friendly-biogas alternative energy is a highly profitable, because it could make use of nature without destroying it therefore ecological cycle keeps maintained. Apart from the feces of animals or something, biogas energy can be processed from the raw material water.
Biogas is a mixture of gases produced by methanogenic bacteria  that spawns in naturally decomposable materials in anaerobic conditions. Development of biogas technology surely is advantageous, because it could reduce air, soil, water and biological pollution. In example, to create fertilizer we would need compost and liquid fertilizer. Generally, biogas consists of methane (CH4): 50 - 70%, carbon dioxide gas (CO2): 30 - 40%, hydrogen (H2): 5 -10%. (Center for Agricultural Mechanization Development Agency for Agricultural Research, Department of Agriculture Serpong, 28 April 2009).         

For the characteristics of Methane (CH4), Biogas' mass is  approximately 20 percent lighter than air and has a combustion temperature of between 650 to 750 ° C. Biogas is odorless and colorless substance which when burned will produce a bright blue flame like LPG gas. The heat value of methane gas is 20 MJ / m 3 with combustion efficiency 60 percent in conventional biogas stove. (Center for Agricultural Mechanization Development Agency for Agricultural Research, Department of Agriculture Serpong, 28 April 2009).         

Biogas potential
gas production from various types of animal dung [dung type of gas production per kg dirt (m3)]:
Cattle (cows and buffaloes) = 0023-0040
Pig                                                   = 0040-0059
Poultry farm                                = 0065-0116
Humans                                        = 0020-0028
(Center for Agricultural Mechanization Development Agency for Agricultural Research, Department of Agriculture Serpong, 28 April 2009).

One amongst regions in Indonesia who are  using biogas energy is the village of Haurngombong, Sumedang. The first spark of  independence energy was Komar's father in 1987, he was inspired from the PPL (Environmental Training Center) using cow dung to be used as gas and electric stoves.

The feces of dairy cows has been used because it is easier to process. Processing steps, first the feces were stored in a tub of water diluted with an equal volume. After being stirred, the liquid stool is channeled into the reactor (fiber) with 3metres diameter and the fermentation process begun. Then the gas that has been filtered through a pipe inserted into a plastic tube and eventually could be used for the gas stove, electric, cutting machine, etc. When the process from beginning to end takes 20 minutes. (Komar, 2011).

The benefits of using biogas, cow feces collected in a tub can be used for 8 stove, could be transformed into fertilizer, increasing revenue by reducing the cost of fertilizer and pesticide needs, saving energy, reducing energy costs for cooking fuel and energy consumption reduction, capable of performing more sustainable agriculture, thus the use of organic fertilizers and pesticides are able to maintain the soil quality and the balance of the ecosystem to ensure sustainable agricultural activities.     

Constraints or deficiencies in the use of biogas as well as many, including that biogas can not be distributed to a more distant places, its capacity is still limited, processing must be done manually, a lot less labor, manufacturing costs are still expensive, the use of gas for the stove when ignited will smell the smell of cow feces. (Indraswati serindit. 2005. Generation of Biogas from Cow Manure: In Phase Processing Thermal Hydrolysis Introduction, Journal of Chemical Engineering, Institute of technology ten-November, Surabaya.).             

In Haurngombong independent village - that I visited on 12 October 2011, the majority of the population already use biogas energy from cow manure, but some are lazy for using biogas energy due they must do by themselves . Submission of assistance to the government has been done, but the government does not responsed until this time.

In future, biogas could be one of options available to be a substitute for LPG and even probably electricity. Perhaps today it is not done yet because of many spectacles, but in the future, the chances are actually very huge.

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·         Center for Agricultural Mechanization Development Agency for Agricultural Research, Department of Agriculture Serpong, 28 April 2009.
·         Komar 2011.

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